Allow me to introduce myself. I am a God-fearing Woman, Widow, Author, Wife, Mom, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Entrepreneur, and OverComer. I was thrust into a whole new life after losing my soulmate, Devan Rmoni, unexpectedly. So, I have chosen to walk in my created purpose, because I know that my purpose is attached to the world.
In 2004, my late husband and I established Incredible Creations Beauty & Barber Salon. It was the first black owned and operated business in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Over The Rhine. I quickly became recognized for my unique skills and talent as a hairstylist. I balanced the roles of salon owner, platform artist, educator, and mentor along with my duties as a wife and mother.
My husband Devan, and I were best friends. Our lives were very intertwined and we relied heavily on each other. Neither of us could have predicted what life had in store for us.
Devan stood steadfast by me and held me up as I battled cancer in 2014. Just as we had done during every trial we faced in the past two decades, we fought and won...together. I figured beating breast cancer would be the hardest fight I would ever have to fight. However, my greatest test came in September 2016, the day my husband was suddenly taken from this life; from the life we worked so tirelessly to build. I was devastated by this unimaginable loss. I struggled to find reason and an identity of my own. I desperately clung to my faith in God, and knew Devan would not want me to fold. Though dazed, confused, and uncertain, I was sure God had a plan that was directly attached to me tapping into my divine purpose. God revealed to me how to "Unleash the Power of Greatness" within me. Now, it is my mission in life to tell my story, share my life experiences and know-how to help people overcome tragedy, find their purpose, and live their best life. I wrote a book, "Walking Without My Cane," that details my story. I am free to soar. "I was a bird in cage for so long, yet the door was always open".
I am ~Kimberly Nicole Johnson™️ Widow, Published Author, Life Coach, Wife, Mom, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Entrepreneur, Breast Cancer & Brain Aneurysm Survivor AKA OverComer

Life Enrichment Coach
What exactly is a Qualified Life Enrichment Coach?
Well, it's far more than just a fancy title. Simply put, the word "enrichment" is defined as "the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of someone," while "coach" is "one who instructs or trains."
What makes you a good life coach?
Since 2016 many people, especially those who have endured great tragedy, have been inspired by my story. After a number of people asked me how I beat breast cancer (2014), and shortly thereafter was able to find strength and purpose following the death of my husband/soulmate, I decided to start working closely with select individuals to help them navigate through their hardships and discover their purpose. Now, I am offering my services on a more public level. I am an entrepreneur who has lived on her own terms. As the above "Who I Am" section details, I have successfully managed several thriving businesses while raising 3 sons and being a devoted wife. I assist people in several areas of life and help them see beyond where they are. I empower, transform & inspire, and instruct my clients on how to live a happy, fulfilling life even after they have faced tough adversities.

What is your message?
Life can and will go on and it will be amazing despite what the past looked like. 2021 I had a brain aneurysm, I was in ICU for 20 days & rehab for 11 days. I teach women that your past does not have to dictate your future. I will show you how to Overcome adversity, persevere, ignite and unleash your power, moving you from stuck to fully thriving. You will P.U.S.H™ and discover your purpose, transforming you into the best, most authentic version of yourself, & ultimately stepping into freedom and OverComing!
Allow me to help you unleash & navigate through the "what now, as life happens" and help you P.U.S.H™ & OverCome into your created purpose.
Topics you cover?
> How to Persevere & OverCome!
How does one move on after experiencing some of life's hardest moments?
> How will you know when you aren't living a fulfilling life? (and what to do about it)
You can't heal what you hide, what will it take for you to walk in your authenticity & complete Freedom?
> What does living "Moment By Moment mean?" This IS your "Moment"
> What does it mean to "P.U.S.H" Persist, Until, Something, Happens

Book signing Brunch with published Author, Kimberly Nicole Johnson
Join us for brunch, mimosas, book signing, celebrating, networking & much more!
Saturday, March 17th, 1pm-4pm
301 West 5th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Come and learn about "Moment By Moment” and how essential that is to everyone.
The moments are all we have; therefore, embrace each moment.
Food by: Aunt Floras Kitchen & Cobbler Pie Co

Organizations I have had the pleasure of working with