I hear God saying “Don’t play small and don’t get comfortable because what I am doing in your life is going to require you being uncomfortable” “Stop looking for what I’ve already equipped you with. You have everything you need at this moment for your assignment so stop relying on yourself and on people to be Me! I am God trust Me!”
Yes, Father God, I hear you fully & completely but I get scared, God. I feel alone sometimes and I simply don’t know what to do nor how to do it.
I look for you & I wait on you but sometimes it feels like you just don’t see me, God. I know that I have been called and chosen to be me. And I now understand that nothing catches you by surprise because you are the Creator. I know you see me and I know you hear my every cry. God, I trust you with my life because I don’t know how to be me without your instructions.”
When I was a child I couldn’t wait to grow up because I thought I would be able to live my life the way I wanted to. I didn’t know that God had my life already planned in advance and according to the choices I made that would determine my outcome. However, that doesn’t stop the questions that I have and it doesn’t stop the pain, anger, discouragement, fear, worry & doubt that tries to come creeping in.
I have often asked the “why” questions like why this or why that. God, why did I have to go through breast cancer? Why did my husband Devan have to leave this life so soon after all you did give us to each other and we thought we were going to grow old together. God you told me that I would grow old with my husband and this is what was dropped in my spirit. “ the same day you and Devan received the news about the breast cancer was the very same day I revealed to you that were healed you just had to walk through and daughter “ I did say that you would grow old with your husband but I didn’t say it was going to be Devan” You and Devan fulfilled ever vow that you made to each other ‘until death do you part’ don’t stop trusting Me I was SPEECHLESS!
God keeps all of His promises even when I feel as though He is quiet I know for sure He hears me and He sees me.
So although I don’t know how, when or where I know who does and that is my Father The Almighty God. And I know that nothing and no-one can stop what He has planned for me. I also know that what God has planned for me is so much bigger than what I could even imagine. Therefore, I PUSH and pushing isn’t going to always feel good but understand that it’s a purpose in the PUSH
I know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us to Him be the glory.
I know that many people are hurting right now they feel stuck and are simply ready to give up and throw in the towel. They feel like God has gotten quiet on them or maybe they feel like they just don’t know what to do next. I have helped so many people PUSH as I have candidly and authentically shared my journey with others. And I can help you move beyond where you are.
Yes, it scary because you are going to meet you the real you no more fluff and pretending. You don’t have time for that it’s time to get real so that you can soar, thrive & flourish in this life. Stop saying what you want but refuse to take the steps to move in that direction. If you want things to change you have to be willing to do something different so let's get you moving!
Click the link if you are ready but scared, ready but unsure, ready but nervous understanding that someone is waiting for you to say I’m ready!
